Upcoming Opportunities
We have various projects in the pipeline. Follow us via Instagram or Facebook or sign up to our newsletter in the website footer to find out about new projects as they are launched.
Current Opportunities
Signal Box Expressions of Interest
Past Opportunities
All of the following opportunities are now closed.
- Launceston Paterson Street East Car Park Mural Project
- Devonport Murals - Call for Artists
- Hydrobox Mural Opportunity for Tasmanian Aboriginal Artists
- Sandy Bay Augmented Reality Mural
- Warehouse Group Show – Call for Artists
- Kangaroo Skate Park - Call for Artists
- Corridor of Modern Art - Call for Artists (partnership with Glenorchy City Council)
- Vibrance Festival 2021 Call for Artists
- Vibrance Festival 2021 Call for Musicians
- Vibrance Festival 2021 Mural Opportunity for Tasmanian Aboriginal Artists
- Bathurst St Mural Expression of Interest